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remove removes part of a list, map, or string.

See also: indexOf


Parameter Name Type Meaning
self list, map, or string object to remove something from
k number or string element index or substring to remove

Usage Notes

Exact behavior of remove depends on the data type of self:

list: removes one element by its index; the list is mutated in place; returns null, and throws an error if the given index out of range.

map: removes one key/value pair by key; the map is mutated in place; returns 1 if key was found, 0 otherwise.

string: returns a new string with the first occurrence of k removed.

May be called with function syntax or dot syntax.


a=["a","b","c"]; a.remove 1		// leaves a == ["a", "c"]
d={"ichi":"one"}; d.remove "ni"		// returns 0
"Spam".remove("S")		// returns "pam"