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Revision as of 17:29, 12 September 2021 by JoeStrout (talk | contribs)
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In Mini Micro, json is an import module in the /sys/lib directory. It provides conversion of MiniScript values to and from JSON format, as well as some related utility functions.

In Mini Micro, stringUtil is an import module in the /sys/lib directory. It provides various additional string-related functions, directly extending the string datatype.

Like all the modules in /sys/lib, the best documentation for stringUtil is the source code (/sys/lib/stringUtil.ms) itself. But this page summarizes the content in more concise form.


After importing "json", the following methods may be accessed under the json map (e.g. as json.parse).

Method Purpose
parse(jsonString) parses JSON data into native MiniScript values
toJSON(value, compact=false, indent=0) converts MiniScript values into JSON format
escape(s) change special characters into backslash sequences
unescape(s) replace backslash sequences with normal characters