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or is a keyword for logical binary operator of disjunction (or) of boolean algebra and Fuzzy Logic. It evaluates two operands and returns true when at least one of the operands is true, else it returns false.

More specifically, a or b (where a and b are numbers) evaluates to the absolute value of the expression a + b - (a * b), clamped to the range 0 - 1.


print false or false // output : 0
print false or true  // output : 1
print true or false  // output : 1
print true or true   // output : 1
print 0.8 or 0.5     // output : 0.9

a = false
b = true
c = false
print a or b // output : 1
print b or c // output : 1
print a or c // output : 0

minimum = 3
maximum = 7
A = 4
B = 9
print A > minimum or B < maximum // output : 1
print A < minimum or B < maximum // output : 0

See also: and, not, Fuzzy Logic.