
From MiniScript Wiki
Revision as of 01:32, 18 May 2022 by LPopoca (talk | contribs) (Added new when to use for loops and how to create them. Added the nested for loop example. Added outputs in text.)
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for is a keyword used to loop over a sequence (i.e. a list, map, or string).

When to use for loops

A for loop is used when you want to repeat a block of code a fixed number of times. For loops in Miniscript utilize the for each construct. Instead of initializing a counter in the for loop statement the for each construct iterates a variable over a sequence, this mitigates the risk of creating an off by one error.

How to create for loops

For loops are created with the for keyword followed by element in sequence. For loops are closed off with an end for keyword statement. All code that is to be repeated must be indented in between the for and end for statements.

Iterate over a range of numbers


for i in range(1,3)
    print i
end for





Iterate over a list


words = ["hello", "MiniScript", "wiki"]
for word in words
    print word
end for





Nested For Loops

For loops can be nest inside one another the inner most loop will loop through all its iterations for every iteration the its outer loop has.


for i in range(1,2)
	for j in range(3,4)
		print val(i) + " + " + val(j) + " = " + val(i+j)
	end for
end for


1 + 3 = 4

1 + 4 = 5

2 + 3 = 5

2 + 4 = 6