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w="keep your secrets secret ;)" m="" c="" cW="" d="" o="" e="" co = 31786 live = function() outer.cW = input("input codeword") loop(cW) end function loop = function(cW) print "enter ""en:"" or ""de:"" at start of message or (q)uit" k = input("") if cW then if k[0] == "e" then m = m + k[3:] en(m,cW,false) loop(cW) else if k[0] == "d" then for i in cW j=code(i) j=j+97 c = c + char(j) end for m = c + char(co) + k[3:] de(m) loop(cW) else if k[0] == "q" then home end if end if end function en = function(m,cW,p) for i in m.indexes a = str(cW[i%cW.len]) b = str(m[i]) c = code(a) + code(b) d = d + char(c) end for for i in cW e=code(i) e=e+97 o = o + char(e) end for if p == true then print o+char(co)+d else if p == false then print d end if end function de = function(e) if not e.indexOf(char(co)) then c = input("codeword: ") for i in c j=code(i) j=j+97 cW = cW + char(j) end for m = e else if e.indexOf(char(co)) then cW = slice(e,0,e.indexOf(char(co))) m = slice(e,e.indexOf(char(co))+1,e.len) end if for i in m.indexes a = code(m[i]) b = code(cW[i%cW.len]) c = a-b d = d + char(c+97) end for print"message: "+ d end function quit = function print "GoodBye" end function home = function() print " " s = input ("(e)ncrypt : (d)ecrypt : (l)ive : (q)uit") if s == "e" then l = input ("Security level: (1),(2),(3)") m = input("message: ") if l == "1" then cW = char(100) en(m,cW,true) else if l == "2" then cW = input("codeword: ") en(m,cW,true) else if l == "3" then cW = input("codeword: ") en(m,cW,false) end if print "" else if s == "d" then e = input("input encrypted code: ") de(e) else if s == "l" then print "copying data: select,ctrl+c,release mouse" live else if s == "q" then quit end if end function print"welcome to EnDeString" print"keep your secrets secret" print"no numbers please" home

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