Expression Parser

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Expr = {} Expr.eval = 0 BinaryExpr = new Expr BinaryExpr.eval = function() if self.op == "+" then return self.lhs.eval + self.rhs.eval if self.op == "-" then return self.lhs.eval - self.rhs.eval if self.op == "*" then return self.lhs.eval * self.rhs.eval if self.op == "/" then return self.lhs.eval / self.rhs.eval end function binop = function(lhs, op, rhs) e = new BinaryExpr e.lhs = lhs e.op = op e.rhs = rhs return e end function parseAtom = function(inp) tok = inp.pull if tok >= "0" and tok <= "9" then e = new Expr e.eval = val(tok) while inp and inp[0] >= "0" and inp[0] <= "9" e.eval = e.eval * 10 + val(inp.pull) end while else if tok == "(" then e = parseAddSub(inp) inp.pull // swallow closing ")" return e else print "Unexpected token: " + tok exit end if return e end function parseMultDiv = function(inp) next = @parseAtom e = next(inp) while inp and (inp[0] == "*" or inp[0] == "/") e = binop(e, inp.pull, next(inp)) end while return e end function parseAddSub = function(inp) next = @parseMultDiv e = next(inp) while inp and (inp[0] == "+" or inp[0] == "-") e = binop(e, inp.pull, next(inp)) end while return e end function while true s = input("Enter expression: ").replace(" ","") if not s then break inp = split(s, "") ast = parseAddSub(inp) print ast.eval end while

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