Rock paper scissors simulator

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//A Rock, Paper and Scissors simulator list.any = function() return self[rnd * self.len] end function list = ["Rock", "Paper", "Scissors"] choice = list.any print "Type ""Rock"", ""paper"" or ""Scissors"" and see if you win!" pap = input("Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!") print "You choose " + pap.upper + "!" print "The opponent choose " + choice.upper + "!" if choice.upper == "ROCK" and pap.upper == "SCISSORS" then print "Rock crushes Scissors! OPPONENT WINS!" else if choice.upper == "ROCK" and pap.upper == "ROCK" then print "A TIE!" else if choice.upper == "PAPER" and pap.upper == "ROCK" then print "Paper covers Rock! OPPONENT WINS!" else if choice.upper == "PAPER" and pap.upper == "PAPER" then print "A TIE!" else if choice.upper == "SCISSORS" and pap.upper == "SCISSORS" then print "A TIE!" else if choice.upper == "SCISSORS" and pap.upper == "PAPER" then print "Scissors cuts Paper! OPPONENT WINS!" else if pap.upper == "ROCK" and choice.upper == "SCISSORS" then print "Rock crushes Scissors! YOU WIN!" else if pap.upper == "SCISSORS" and choice.upper == "PAPER" then print "Scissors cuts Paper! YOU WIN!" else if pap.upper == "PAPER" and choice.upper == "ROCK" then print "Paper covers Rock! YOU WIN!" end if

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