Mini King Simulator

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mn = 3500 pop = 30 god = 2 print "As the king of a small kingdom, you have to take important decisions." print """Your Majesty! Some foreigners came to your kingdom and they want a home.""" print """The houses will cost 500 coins.""" hm = input("""We must build their homes?""(Yes/no)") if hm.upper == "NO" then print """Ok, we'll kick them out.""" god = god - 1 else if hm.upper == "YES" then print """Generous as always, my King.""" mn = mn - 500 pop = pop + 15 god = god + 1 end if print "Money: " + mn print "Population: " + pop print """Greetings, my King. I'm the Devil and i need more souls to work for me." print """If Your Majesty could give me 10 peoples, i would give you a lot of money.""" evl = input("""Done deal?""") if evl.upper == "YES" then print """Thank you, Your Majesty. I need to go now.""" mn = mn + 10000 pop = pop - 10 god = god - 2 else if evl.upper == "NO" then print """What?? You did not accept my proposal?! You... you... you'll" print "regret refusing my proposal, little king! But now i have to go.""" end if print "Money: " + mn print "Population: " + pop print """My king, the Gods are angry with us. We need to make a sacrifice." print "We have two options:" print "1. Sacrifice ONE King..." print "2. ...or sacrifice TEN normal peoples." sc = input ("What your choice?"" Type the corresponding number.") if sc == 1 then print "*** You Died ***" print "You died, nobly saving you Kingdom from the Divine Wrath." else if sc == 2 then print """As you wish, Majesty.""" print "Congratulations! You've got a happy ending!" end if

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