returns the numeric value (from -1 to 1) of an input axis (for example, a joystick horizontal or vertical axis).
See also: key.pressed; How to move a sprite with directional inputs
Parameter Name | Type | Default Value | Meaning |
axisName | string | Horizontal | name of axis to get |
Usage Notes
Available axis names are:
- "Horizontal" and "Vertical", which can be activated by both WASD and arrow keys as well as any joystick or gamepad
- "Mouse X", "Mouse Y", and "Mouse ScrollWheel", which reflect movement/scrolling with the mouse
- "JoyAxis1" through "JoyAxis29" which detect axis inputs from any joystick or gamepad
- "Joy1Axis1" through "Joy8Axis29" which detect axis inputs from specific joystick/gamepad 1 through 8.
print key.axis("Vertical")
A bigger example:
sp = new Sprite
sp.image = file.loadImage("/sys/pics/Wumpus.png")
display(4).sprites.push sp
speed = 10 // pixels per frame
while true
sp.x = sp.x + key.axis("Horizontal") * speed
sp.y = sp.y + key.axis("Vertical") * speed
end while